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- Medical Leave is intended for students who need to take time away from Rasmussen University for health reasons and who, for medical reasons, are unable to complete the term in which they are currently enrolled.
- Medical Leave is also available for students who are primary care givers for someone who is experiencing a health or medical issue, which has resulted in their inability to complete the term in which they are currently enrolled.
- Each leave can be up to one quarter and can be extended through the following quarter. No leave may extend for more than two consecutive quarters in total length, although there is no limit to the total number of quarters that a student may accumulate.
- To return from Medical Leave, simply complete the Medical Leave Return Request Form provided by your student advisor prior to the first day of the quarter/term/session in which you want to return to complete the re-entry process.
- For any Medical Leave or Medical Leave return, you must submit with the Medical Leave Return Request Form a signed note from your professional therapist and/or physician stating the medical situation and that they believe you are able to return to Rasmussen University.