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*School of Health Sciences*

Resources for Hematology I & II

Laboratory Processing (MLT1170)

Paper: Through the Eyes of the Patient

Project Description:

  • Investigate the role of the phlebotomist through the eyes of the patient. (Interview)
  • Research the patient's condition, disease, or issue. (Library sources/APA)
  • Determine the impact of the phlebotomist's role in the journey of a patient's healthcare needs. (Critical thinking)
    • Emphasize the importance of the quality and professionalism of the phlebotomist in the patient's care.
    • Determine the emotions the patient experienced during their involvement with the phlebotomist in their care.
    • Identify any unique needs the patient required during the patient's experience.

Your final paper must be 5 - 7 pages long. It should demonstrate a strong thesis statement supported by research from at least 3 different sources. Include both in-text citations and a References page in APA format. In addition, it should include quotes from your patient interview. It should be free of grammar and spelling errors.

Topic/Interviewee Selection

  • Identify a disease or condition that requires regular blood draws for lab tests.
    • Check your textbook for mentions of diseases and conditions frequently dealt with in phlebotomy.
    • Check a phlebotomy book for mentions of diseases and conditions. See the School of Health Sciences Phlebotomy Guide for ideas.
  • Identify someone with that disease or condition. Inquire it they are willing to be interviewed regarding their experiences with the phlebotomist(s).

Interview Preparation & Citation

  • Draft questions to ask the person so that his or her answers will cover the requirements of the paper (above).
  • Do some research on the disease or condition of the patient (see next section below for tips)
    • Shows respect to the person you are interviewing.
    • Allows you to ask better, more informed questions.
  • Plan on a method of note taking during the interview.
  • Conduct the interview.
    • Be professional: courteous, on-time, respectful of privacy, prepared.
    • Take notes. Include quotes. Be thorough! You will be handing them into the instructor!
    • Say thank you!
  • Cite your source:
    • Reminder: APA does not allow interviews to be in a References list, but does require them to cited in-text with a personal communications type citation. You will need to record the person's name and the date of the interview for an in-text citation. For more information and examples see:


  • Research the disease or condition of the person you will interview.
    • You did research before the interview, but now do more to answer questions that came up as a result of your interview.
  • Research other aspects of this assignment: the role of the phlebotomist, professionalism, patient experience, etc.

Resources for research on diseases:

Writing Your Paper


Microbiology Resources

American Society for Microbiology



Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance
