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Digital Fluency : Home

“Effectively employing and understanding digital tools to express ideas in appropriate contexts."

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Illustration of the six Transferable Skills

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What is Digital Fluency?

This guide was created to illustrate the value of Digital Fluency. At home, at school, and in the workplace, digital information is beginning to rival print as the primary format for information. Only 2% of new information created today appears in print format (21ST Century information Fluency Project, 2014).  As a result, Digital Information Fluency -- the ability to locate, evaluate and ethically use that information -- is fast becoming a skill as essential as traditional print literacy has been. In the 21st century, information enriches our lives, personally, educationally, socially and economically. Those without the skills to use digital information will become increasingly disadvantaged at home, at school and in the workplace.

We encourage you to explore the guide by clicking on the tabs above. Your first stop is to work through steps 1-4 to assess your Digital Fluency skill level. 


21ST Century Information Fluency Project. (2014). Digital information fluency. Retrieved from

Additional Multimedia Regarding Digital Fluency

Teaching and Learning in South Australia. (2013, September 10). The fear of social media in learning [Video file]. Retrieved from 

Craig Watkins, a sociologist who studies minorities' digital experiences in America discusses his findings and explains how digital fluency has become increasingly relevant to job seekers.

NPR Staff. (2011, June 29). Closing digital divide, expanding digital literacy [Audio file]. Retrieved from 

Digital Fluency

Digital Fluency

Click and watch the 3-minute KEYNOTE ADDRESS on the topic of Digital Fluency delivered by Rasmussen University’s President, Dr. Trenda Boyum-Breen.

*At the time of this recording, Dr. Trenda Boyum-Breen was Chief Academic Officer of Rasmussen University and is now currently President of Rasmussen University.  Dr. Boyum-Breen also mentions and refers to the Digital Fluency Symposium which was previously hosted by Rasmussen University.


Create your own user feedback survey

Using your score from the Digital Fluency Survey (Step #1), select the activity which best suits you:

Digital Learner (Score 5-14)

Digital Adapter (Score 15-20)

Digital Leader (Score 21-25)

You may also explore additional activities using the "Activities" tab at the top of the guide or by clicking HERE.

Experiment With A New Tool

Digital Literacy

The Difference Between Digital Literacy and Digital Fluency

Literacy and fluency have to do with our ability to use a technology to achieve a desired outcome in a situation using the technologies that are available to us. This applies to our ability to use a hammer, nails and wood to build the house that we intend to build:


..and it applies to our ability to use digital technologies to have the intended positive effect on people and situations:


Note that a literate person is perfectly capable of using the tools. They know how to use them and what to do with them, but the outcome is less likely to match their intention. It is not until that person reaches a level of fluency, however, that they are comfortable with when to use the tools to achieve the desired outcome, and even why the tools they are using are likely to have the desired outcome at all.

Briggs, C. & Makice, K. (2012). Digital Fluency: Building success in a digital age. Retrieved from