Use the Time filter to limit your results to those published since a certain date.
Remember that "current" literature is typically considered sources published within the last five years.
Use the Sort limiter to change the order the results are displayed in the result list.
Relevance is determined by Google's algorithm based on on your search terms.
The newest articles, those published in the last year, will be displayed.
This list of results also allows you to view sources by:
You may also sort your Google Scholar results by Type.
"Include citations" means that the search results will also display items that cite the specified search terms, even if the original search terms are not present in the title or abstract of those items. To narrow down your search results, you can uncheck this box.
A patent is a legal document granted by a government authority that gives an inventor exclusive rights to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified period. It is best to leave this box unchecked unless you are specifically searching for patents.
To access Google Scholar Advanced Search features:
The four main advanced search features are:
You can also tell Google Scholar to search for your terms anywhere in the article or in just the article's title.
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