State courts often follow the Federal court structure, but there are variations. Visit the official state website and search court system to learn more about the court structure in a specific state.
Published court opinions appear chronologically in case reporters for the case jurisdiction. The citation consists of the volume number of the case reporter, an abbreviation for the case reporter, and the page number where the opinion begins in the reporter.
Fastcase's primary purpose is to search case law. You can navigate to the related statutes, cited cases, and other resources right from the case or court opinion.
Begin a search by choosing the Jurisdiction and source type (cases). Access the menu by clicking on Jurisdiction to the right of the textbox.
Check your selection for Jurisdiction (State, Federal, etc.) and Cases on the form and click Save and Continue.
Type keywords describing your topic in the search textbox and click Search.
Read through the results and click on cases of interest to view the full text. Cited cases, statutes, and other legal resources are linked in the case.
For more information about Fastcase, see the Legal Databases page in this guide.