Here are list of things you can do to plan for the week of celebrations!
Things you can do on Kick-off Saturday
- Post a video, blog or social media post sharing why you celebrate Week of the Young Child and what you do to prepare
- Consider hosting a virtual event where you can share your local proclamation or lead a fun activity.
- Take some time for yourself and re-energize so that you’re ready for the week ahead
- Plan for the week ahead:
- Create a dancing playlist for Music Monday
- Gather ingredients from your kitchen for a Tasty Tuesday activity
- For Work Together Wednesday, work with other educators in your program to draft a group letter to your elected officials, emphasizing the need to #InvestinECE
- Replenish your arts and crafts supply for Artsy Thursday
- Draft an email to parents explaining what they should expect during the week and how they can prepare for your Family Friday activity