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Course Materials Help

About Course Materials

In addition to VitalSource textbooks, some courses use textbooks from other vendors, including FlatWorld Knowledge, OpenStax, and McGraw-Hill Connect. The course may also embed articles and ebooks from the Rasmussen University Library. These items can be located in the Course Materials folder or are embedded directly in course modules. Contact Classroom IT support for assistance.

Locating Your Course Materials

Course Materials Folder

The Course Materials folder includes links to textbooks and other materials used in the course. In most courses, course textbooks are linked in the Course Materials folder. To find the Course Materials folder:

  • Log into your course.
  • Scroll past the Module folders until you see the Course Materials folder.
  • Click on the Course Materials folder to open it.
  • Click on the title of the textbook to link to the full text.


Embedded Course Content

Course reading assignments often include ebook chapters and journal articles from the Rasmussen University Library. These readings are embedded in the course modules and may be linked in the Overview and Activities folder for each course module. 



Flatworld textbooks are used in some courses. View the document linked below to learn how to navigate your textbook, take notes, and use embedded study tools.


OpenStax is an initiative at Rice University to produce high-quality open-source textbooks. These textbooks are used in some courses. For information about how to use features such as navigating the text, adding highlighting and more, see their FAQ page.

Course Materials FAQs