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Citing Course Materials

About Citing Course Materials

Occasionally, you may want to cite your course text, course content, live lecture, or PowerPoint slides in an assignment. Use the resources on this page as a guide to create APA-style references and in-text citations in your academic work. Note that you may need to include a description of the content in brackets as demonstrated in the examples below.

For more information about the APA citation style, please visit:


The format for an APA reference for an ebook is as follows:

Author last name, First initial. Middle initial., & Author last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of publication).

Title of book (Edition number). Publisher. https://URL

The format for in-text citations are:

  • Parenthetical reference that appears at the end of a sentence: (Author last name, Year of publication).
  • Narrative in-text citation: According to Author last name (Year of publication), ...

Use the example APA references and in-text citations to create references for your textbooks. Please note that references use a hanging indent and are double spaced. Single spacing is used in the examples below as a space-saving measure.

VitalSource Textbook

Example APA reference:

Grant, K. B., & Ray, J. A. (2018). Home, school, and community collaboration: Culturally responsive family

engagement (4th ed.). Sage.

Example parenthetical in-text citation:

(Grant & Ray, 2018).

Course Content

The format for an APA reference for course content is:

Rasmussen University. (Year). Module number: Title of lesson [Lesson content]. LMS name. http://URL

Example APA reference:

Rasmussen University. (2024). Module 05: Management skills [Lesson content]. Blackboard Ultra.

Example parenthetical in-text citation:

(Rasmussen University, 2024).

Live Lectures

The format for an APA reference for a live lecture is:

Author's last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month Day). Module number: Title of lecture. [Lecture recording].

Name of Institution. https://URL

Example APA reference:

DeStefano, T. E. (2024, June 5). Module 02: Industrialized countries and their democracies [Lecture recording].

Rasmussen University. https://rasmussenedu-my.sharepoint/

Example parenthetical citation:

(DeStafano, 2024). 

PowerPoint Slides Posted in Course

The format for an APA reference for a PowerPoint slide deck or presentation is:

Author's last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year, Month Day). Module number: Title of PowerPoint slide deck [PowerPoint

slides]. LMS name. https://URL

Example APA reference:

Schumar, J. F. (2024, March 15). Module 01: Introduction to the respiratory system [PowerPoint slides]. Blackboard


Example parenthetical in-text citation:

(Schumar, 2024).